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Multi-Room Audio

Discover the perfect multi-room audio solutions for your home with The SmartHome Co. in Atlanta. Experience seamless audio in every room, whether through high-fidelity wired systems for unparalleled sound quality or convenient wireless setups for flexible listening. We provide expert installation and integration, ensuring elegant, invisible wiring and high-performance audio.

Multi-Room Audio


Audio In Every Room!

Multi-room audio comes in many flavors, offering a wide array of choices to cater to different needs and preferences. From the convenience of portable Bluetooth speakers for on-the-go music to the seamless integration of Wi-Fi-enabled speakers and wireless amps, there's a solution for every situation. While portable speakers excel in mobility, there are undoubtedly superior options available for immersive and high-quality audio experiences within the comfort of your home.


Speakers that are not restricted by cables, relying solely on your power outlet and home's wifi for power, provide unparalleled freedom and flexibility. The ability to effortlessly relocate speakers throughout your home is an incredibly convenient and alluring aspect that brings immense satisfaction to numerous users.


If you have the option to wire speakers directly to an amplifier for power, you will find the most satisfying connection to your music you can dream up. This direct connection delivers an unparalleled audio experience, allowing the music to resonate with clarity and depth. At The SmartHome Co., we understand the importance of seamless integration, offering a myriad of elegant solutions for concealing cables and achieving the elusive yet essential "hidden sound" effect.